January 27, 2022

wireless charger

Apple’s 15W MagSafe wireless charging technology is open for certification

On October 14, 2020, Apple officially released MagSafe technology in the form of an online live broadcast at its second autumn conference. It was used in mobile phone accessories, magnetic charging equipment, and other product lines. MagSafe magnetic charging The magnets attach to the back of the new iPhone, similar to the Apple Watch’s charger, […]

Apple’s 15W MagSafe wireless charging technology is open for certification Read More »

4 in 1 wireless charger

The USB-IF organization actually opposes the EU’s unification of the USB-C interface

Earlier, the European Union proposed a motion to require mobile phone manufacturers to unify the interface as USB-C. It is reported that Apple, which had been strongly opposed to it, has also begun to consider launching a USB-C interface for the next iPhone (finally looking forward to the USB-C interface, iPhone 14). Pro latest details

The USB-IF organization actually opposes the EU’s unification of the USB-C interface Read More »

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